W T B List Here
My ele wtb list
Im looking for a platinum wand...gold...inscribable and clean...req9...either <water> OR <fire>
post with your offer and ign...ill pm you either through game or guru.
Im looking for a serpentine scepter...gold...inscribable and clean...req9...either <Water> OR <Fire>
post with your offer and ign...
Im looking for a Tormented wand...<water> OR <Fire>
Im looking for a Tormented Focus...<water> Or <Fire>
Im looking for a Greater Guardian Spear...gold...req 11 or above...inscribable clean
Im looking for a Serrated Spear....gold req 11 or above...inscribable clean
For any of these...plz make sure they are inscribable plz! leave your ign and we can get negotiating thank you.